
Foreign Trade Consultancy

Foreign Trade Consultancy

Our Features

Market and product research

Sectoral Opportunities

Global trends

Potential Markets

Sectoral Demands


Our Features

Market and product research

Sectoral Opportunities

Global trends

Potential Markets

Sectoral Demands


Our Features

Market and product research

Sectoral Opportunities

Global trends

Potential Markets

Sectoral Demands


Our Features

Market and product research

Sectoral Opportunities

Global trends

Potential Markets

Sectoral Demands


Benefits We Provide

Creating market and competition analyzes for your product in the target country you intend to export or market and price research for the product(s) you plan to import

Notification of sectoral opportunities, demands and opened international tenders

Informing you about the legislation and regulations regarding the product you intend to import or export

Researching markets with export potential for your product and creating commercial perspectives of relevant markets

Information about sectoral fairs

Up-to-date tracking of global trends related to your industry

Follow-up of current international demands

Follow-up of import or export procedures and operational processes

Benefits We Provide

Creating market and competition analyzes for your product in the target country you intend to export or market and price research for the product(s) you plan to import

Notification of sectoral opportunities, demands and opened international tenders

Informing you about the legislation and regulations regarding the product you intend to import or export

Researching markets with export potential for your product and creating commercial perspectives of relevant markets

Information about sectoral fairs

Up-to-date tracking of global trends related to your industry

Follow-up of current international demands

Follow-up of import or export procedures and operational processes

Benefits We Provide

Creating market and competition analyzes for your product in the target country you intend to export or market and price research for the product(s) you plan to import

Notification of sectoral opportunities, demands and opened international tenders

Informing you about the legislation and regulations regarding the product you intend to import or export

Researching markets with export potential for your product and creating commercial perspectives of relevant markets

Information about sectoral fairs

Up-to-date tracking of global trends related to your industry

Follow-up of current international demands

Follow-up of import or export procedures and operational processes

Benefits We Provide

Creating market and competition analyzes for your product in the target country you intend to export or market and price research for the product(s) you plan to import

Notification of sectoral opportunities, demands and opened international tenders

Informing you about the legislation and regulations regarding the product you intend to import or export

Researching markets with export potential for your product and creating commercial perspectives of relevant markets

Information about sectoral fairs

Up-to-date tracking of global trends related to your industry

Follow-up of current international demands

Follow-up of import or export procedures and operational processes