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What is E-Export? Things to Know Before E-Export, Government Incentives

What is E-Export? Things to Know Before E-Export, Government Incentives

What is E-Export? Things to Know Before E-Export, Government Incentives


The term "E-export" or "Electronic Export" denotes the process through which individuals and businesses from a given nation market their products and services to international consumers via digital platforms and the internet. In contrast to traditional trading methodologies, cross-border e-commerce harnesses the power of the internet and digital trading platforms. This approach presents unique opportunities to access a global customer base, streamline business operations, and execute marketing campaigns through online avenues.

Several key facets of cross-border e-commerce encompass:

  1. Internet Utilization: Cross-border E-Commerce necessitates the active use of the internet, enabling companies to showcase their offerings to a worldwide clientele through digital platforms.

  2. Digital Trade Platforms: Various digital commerce platforms, e-commerce websites, and online marketplaces serve as the catalysts for successful cross-border e-commerce operations. These platforms empower businesses to exhibit their products, manage transactional activities, and oversee logistical processes.

  3. Global Market Reach: Cross-border E-Commerce empowers businesses with the ability to access a diverse and expansive global customer base, fueling their growth prospects.

  4. Digital Marketing: Cross-border E-Commerce strategies are intertwined with digital marketing methods, such as leveraging social media, optimizing search engine rankings (SEO), deploying email marketing campaigns, and capitalizing on other digital channels to promote products and services.

  5. E-Payment Systems: In the realm of cross-border e-commerce, dependable e-payment systems are a linchpin. These systems guarantee secure and seamless online transactions.

  6. Digital Security: Cross-border E-Commerce places a paramount emphasis on safeguarding customer data and business information. Robust digital security measures are adopted to prevent data breaches and ensure a trustworthy online shopping experience.

While cross-border e-commerce presents substantial growth prospects for businesses, it requires meticulous planning and strategic acumen, considering the complexities of international trade and competition. Furthermore, compliance with local and international legal regulations, as each country boasts its distinct trade laws and tax policies, is essential. Collaborating with service providers that offer cutting-edge solutions and enlisting the expertise of an international team is thus of paramount importance.

Embarking on the E-Export Journey

Numerous entrepreneurs aspire to engage in cross-border e-commerce and sell their products abroad. Typically, those venturing into cross-border e-commerce establish multilingual cross-border e-commerce websites or utilize online marketplace platforms to commence their international sales. Presently, a growing number of individuals prefer launching their own e-commerce websites to maximize profits by avoiding marketplace commissions.

For those considering entry into cross-border e-commerce, the following steps are essential:

  1. Completion of entrepreneurship and advanced entrepreneurship training, allowing eligibility for grants and incentives provided by KOSGEB.

  2. Selection of the specific sector and products for cross-border e-commerce.

  3. Formulation of a comprehensive business plan to manage cross-border e-commerce operations.

  4. Company incorporation completion.

  5. Sourcing products for international sales.

  6. Choosing an infrastructure for your cross-border e-commerce site.

  7. Uploading products to your website and customizing the site design.

  8. Establishing virtual point-of-sale (POS) and logistics agreements.

  9. Opening a store on desired marketplace platforms and integrating it with your website.

  10. Development of a business plan with expert guidance.

  11. Implementation of digital marketing campaigns to promote products and services.

  12. Prioritizing customer satisfaction post-commencement of cross-border e-commerce operations.

Exploring Cross-Border E-Commerce Incentives and Government Support

Businesses venturing into international markets through cross-border e-commerce can access an array of incentives, exemptions, and government support mechanisms. These incentives aim to facilitate and bolster the operations of cross-border e-commerce enterprises.

Some of the key forms of government support include:

  • Trademark registration support, assisting companies in securing their brand identity in foreign markets.

  • Company acquisition support, providing financial support for the acquisition of foreign businesses.

  • Document support, covering expenses related to licenses, permits, training, and certificates.

  • Report support, subsidizing costs for various reports, including financial, market research, evaluation, and legal reports.

  • Fair support, offering financial backing for businesses participating in international fairs and exhibitions.

  • Advertising and promotion support, aiding in marketing initiatives, conferences, and promotional activities.

  • Unit support, assisting businesses in establishing overseas units.

  • Market research support, providing funding for research-related travel and accommodation expenses.

In addition to government support, cross-border e-commerce entities may also access tax exemptions, customs duty exemptions, and VAT refunds, with the specific conditions varying depending on the jurisdiction.

Thriving Sectors in Cross-Border E-Commerce

Businesses contemplating entry into cross-border e-commerce often ponder which sectors are most promising for international sales. The success of cross-border e-commerce is not necessarily determined by the sector itself but by the expertise and execution within that sector. Crafting a robust business plan and conducting effective digital marketing campaigns are pivotal to achieving success in this realm.

That being said, sectors that frequently thrive in cross-border e-commerce include:

  • Apparel, including women's and men's clothing.

  • Home and decor.

  • Products related to mother and baby.

  • Modest fashion, such as hijab clothing.

  • Design-oriented items.

  • Home textiles.

  • Technology and electronics.

Companies operating within their respective sectors tend to excel in international sales. If you're considering entering cross-border e-commerce, researching these sectors and carefully selecting the products you'll sell can be a strategic approach. However, it's crucial to emphasize the significance of meticulous business planning and effective digital marketing to ensure success in cross-border e-commerce.
